Faculty Toolkit

noun (IN A COLLEGE); plural noun: faculty
  • the teaching staff of San Antonio College, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body
  • the frontline to students and their success


noun: toolkit; plural noun: toolkits

  • a collection of tools and resources designed to support faculty in their commitment to the advancement of student-centered equitable learning at San Antonio College
  • a user’s manual important for new faculty onboarding and everyday productivity

a set of tools and resources that support faculty collaboration, innovation and continuous improvement to attain excellence in teaching

a list of workshops, classes and other learning opportunities for faculty professional and personal development

(campus resources) a guide of campus and virtual resources including academic calendars, advising, advocacy center, campus maps, computer labs, disAbility, early alerts, financial aid, grading tools, library, misconduct reports, printing services, tutoring, writing lab, etc… 

(computing) a set of guides to software tools, platforms or programs used at SAC including ACES, AlamoTalent, Banner, Canvas, online course syllabus, Elumen, Footprints, etc…

(literature) a collection of existing academic research materials focused on topics such as active learning, asset based pedagogy, culturally relevant curriculum, digital divides, equitable pedagogy, inclusive teaching, peer learning, student engagement and other high impact and successful practices


Please note: This page is ALWAYS under construction

Alamo Colleges Tools on Screen Steps Live

SAC Faculty Handbook 2024-2025

Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 9.41.14 AM.png



Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 9.42.57 AM.png


  • Log in to AlamoTalent from ACES
  • Select My Learning at the top
  • Select Events Calendar from the drop-down menu
  • Choose training(s) dates, Request and Register!


The toolkit will be organized in sections by topics as headings. The last section will be organized as an alphabetical index with links to other pages, documents or websites. Use the magnifying glass SEARCH option on the top of this page to the right of the San Antonio College logo by typing the word or resource you would like to find.

New Faculty at SAC






ACD Employee Portal   Faculty & Staff Training   Faculty Handbook 2024-2025



Faculty Information Center   Turn-It-In   Tools on Screensteps Live



Important Course Semester Dates and Faculty Calendar of Activities



Pedagogical Professional Development Opportunities


Who are our SAC Students?


High-Impact Practices HIPs



Faculty Support Initiatives



ACD Faculty Development


Learning Assessment



Faculty Certifications


SAC Scores



Workforce Ed Course Manual


Writing Center









Teaching & Learning Resources


LEAP Texas





